Ok it is time again.
Time for exams.
To tell u all the truth, I AM AFRAID OF EXAMS.
maily cus of 4 gd reasons.
1. I will get bad results.
2. I will get punished by my parents.
3. I won't be able to play comp because of that.
4. I will have to study OT when my frens get to play.
I also have stopped playing com for almost a week+.
Today cant play la onli can online go stupid webs.
This is stupid.
Anyways, my mom dun let me play for 3 WEEKS and confiscated my phone.
ppl can die de lehh.
But uhh well I can survive, with my MP3~~
which needs to be charged once every 2 days.

Walau i forget to give the NYAA form to MrLim again!!!SUMMORE TODAY I GOT BRING NOR!no wonder I felt that I forgot sth when I left sch... -.=Uh well.Anyways.Exams are coming!!!EeeerK!!!But Bren and I have plotted some comic again.Fantasy Trail.Based on Ragnarok Online...Well I'll tell ya more bout it next time, im off ta play liaos!!!bahs~
Today is lyke, the usual. Schoool started.
And EOY exams are just around the corner.
And the corner is very close, btw.
I sit near the corner of the classroom.
Freezes and dies.
Have been playin darkness and light for a while le.
Tryin to get the hang of it though.
The graphics are preety nice,....
band is having break till end of exams!!!
I shall miss it.
Gosh if im in some american high sch,
I would be classified as one of the nerds.
Or one of the 'emo's or outcasts.
Btw!!! I missed 2 buses in a row today WOOHOO.
But I catched a glimpse of sth so damn nice.
a pink truck~

Wth.Stupid mom last minute say I cant go out with Sarah {im so sorry!!! T_T}Had to stay at home and STUDY,not to mention I still got 1 math paper, Readin Rites and 1 chinese letter compoNvm, still got tmw~Hopefully can finish by then.Eve just introduced me to this asiasoft game called Darkness and Light!!!Wonder how it'll turn out.Now my internet is downloadin stuff at a scary speed.Got 1 time I go redownload Maple cus I rebooted comp and GUESS WHAT!?It downloaded Maple IN JUST 5 MINS!!!!!!!!!!!! *SHOX* xO!!!From nil!Zilch!!!OMfg.It just downloaded darkness and light in 10mins......Holy crap!Ima go try try that now :)baaaiiiii!!!!!!!!!! {super white} ....-.=

I just found out there is this person I added in msn but forgot who is she.
We spent like 10mins guessing how come we have each other's email.
realised We met {i think} in Hope church.
Coincidentally {maybe?} we were in the same pri school~!!!!
New fren lerr~~~
We goin out this Sat...{3 days' time!!}
taking abt 3 days time to saturday!!!
I havent even done half of my homework!!!!!!!!
Holy mama. -.=
Summore still got that whole chunk of trigonometrical qns the sadistic MsTay gave.
I still got no intensions of finishing before the hols.
I mean, walau.
So many.
Nvm I goin play play liao.
{wth white white... -.=}

I cant believe it.
I just helped my mom drew a pic of retarded kids eating grapes and apples.
And drawing raindrops.
While drawin rain the pencil made a funny 'hui!hui!' noise -.=
Today=JuNioR BAnD fEsT!!!
good luck for all the juniors :) :)
Later have to meet LL,J and T to go eat dinner and buy presents.
Last Saturday actually went to buy cards for juniors and wrote stuff with Theresa's pens.
Its lyke, OMFG.
Theresa got so many shiny pen.
Her 2 pencilcases are loaded and BULKING with pens -_= =_-
I edited my sprite again.
Its the Eyebrows, eyes and the necklace thing I edited.
hope you like it, Bren :)

I feel like graduating in 1 sec. I mean, look at my results man.
2As -.= {twitch twitch}
My english=50.0
heh heh.
Stupid la.
Mom keeps comparing me with their friends child.
Walau purposely one lo.
All go River Valley, Nan Yang, BPGH... ==+
All pros lor.
They lyke all got PSLE score of at least 250
AND ME!?!?!?!?! 241!!! hohoho.
Summore when they go sec sch all they get are As.
Its kinda disgusting when you keep getting As for ALL THE SUBJECTS!!.....
At least our sch dun have anyone get all As. {at least I think so}
Holy crap.
I'm hopeless.
Totally hopeless.
No one's results can be as suky as mine lo.
I mean, seriously, what's the prob with everyone
thinking that having good results is EVERYTHING
and sucky results is the end of the world?!?!!?!?
Ok maybe I am one of those but that's not a really big deal.
students can even get into sec schs thru DSA,
Exactly cuz their results suk but they're better at other things.
My mom actually banned me from the computer until I get good results after my exams.
And no, I'm not in lan shop now.
I used my famous power of persuation{Eve should be familiar with this}
I threatened to use my mom's fav lipstick if she dun let me use.
ok maybe not.
But I acted guai1 in front of her and finished my Lit essay.
Btw I spent lyke 40mins on it 8) .........................................
Anyhow, I got interested in this anime.
It looks quite interesting in the ads.
About war between magicians and socerors{sp?},
They can summon knights to fight in battle or sth.

That's all folks :)
Ok it is time again.
Time for exams.
To tell u all the truth, I AM AFRAID OF EXAMS.
maily cus of 4 gd reasons.
1. I will get bad results.
2. I will get punished by my parents.
3. I won't be able to play comp because of that.
4. I will have to study OT when my frens get to play.
I also have stopped playing com for almost a week+.
Today cant play la onli can online go stupid webs.
This is stupid.
Anyways, my mom dun let me play for 3 WEEKS and confiscated my phone.
ppl can die de lehh.
But uhh well I can survive, with my MP3~~
which needs to be charged once every 2 days.

Walau i forget to give the NYAA form to MrLim again!!!SUMMORE TODAY I GOT BRING NOR!no wonder I felt that I forgot sth when I left sch... -.=Uh well.Anyways.Exams are coming!!!EeeerK!!!But Bren and I have plotted some comic again.Fantasy Trail.Based on Ragnarok Online...Well I'll tell ya more bout it next time, im off ta play liaos!!!bahs~
Today is lyke, the usual. Schoool started.
And EOY exams are just around the corner.
And the corner is very close, btw.
I sit near the corner of the classroom.
Freezes and dies.
Have been playin darkness and light for a while le.
Tryin to get the hang of it though.
The graphics are preety nice,....
band is having break till end of exams!!!
I shall miss it.
Gosh if im in some american high sch,
I would be classified as one of the nerds.
Or one of the 'emo's or outcasts.
Btw!!! I missed 2 buses in a row today WOOHOO.
But I catched a glimpse of sth so damn nice.
a pink truck~

Wth.Stupid mom last minute say I cant go out with Sarah {im so sorry!!! T_T}Had to stay at home and STUDY,not to mention I still got 1 math paper, Readin Rites and 1 chinese letter compoNvm, still got tmw~Hopefully can finish by then.Eve just introduced me to this asiasoft game called Darkness and Light!!!Wonder how it'll turn out.Now my internet is downloadin stuff at a scary speed.Got 1 time I go redownload Maple cus I rebooted comp and GUESS WHAT!?It downloaded Maple IN JUST 5 MINS!!!!!!!!!!!! *SHOX* xO!!!From nil!Zilch!!!OMfg.It just downloaded darkness and light in 10mins......Holy crap!Ima go try try that now :)baaaiiiii!!!!!!!!!! {super white} ....-.=

I just found out there is this person I added in msn but forgot who is she.
We spent like 10mins guessing how come we have each other's email.
realised We met {i think} in Hope church.
Coincidentally {maybe?} we were in the same pri school~!!!!
New fren lerr~~~
We goin out this Sat...{3 days' time!!}
taking abt 3 days time to saturday!!!
I havent even done half of my homework!!!!!!!!
Holy mama. -.=
Summore still got that whole chunk of trigonometrical qns the sadistic MsTay gave.
I still got no intensions of finishing before the hols.
I mean, walau.
So many.
Nvm I goin play play liao.
{wth white white... -.=}

I cant believe it.
I just helped my mom drew a pic of retarded kids eating grapes and apples.
And drawing raindrops.
While drawin rain the pencil made a funny 'hui!hui!' noise -.=
Today=JuNioR BAnD fEsT!!!
good luck for all the juniors :) :)
Later have to meet LL,J and T to go eat dinner and buy presents.
Last Saturday actually went to buy cards for juniors and wrote stuff with Theresa's pens.
Its lyke, OMFG.
Theresa got so many shiny pen.
Her 2 pencilcases are loaded and BULKING with pens -_= =_-
I edited my sprite again.
Its the Eyebrows, eyes and the necklace thing I edited.
hope you like it, Bren :)

I feel like graduating in 1 sec. I mean, look at my results man.
2As -.= {twitch twitch}
My english=50.0
heh heh.
Stupid la.
Mom keeps comparing me with their friends child.
Walau purposely one lo.
All go River Valley, Nan Yang, BPGH... ==+
All pros lor.
They lyke all got PSLE score of at least 250
AND ME!?!?!?!?! 241!!! hohoho.
Summore when they go sec sch all they get are As.
Its kinda disgusting when you keep getting As for ALL THE SUBJECTS!!.....
At least our sch dun have anyone get all As. {at least I think so}
Holy crap.
I'm hopeless.
Totally hopeless.
No one's results can be as suky as mine lo.
I mean, seriously, what's the prob with everyone
thinking that having good results is EVERYTHING
and sucky results is the end of the world?!?!!?!?
Ok maybe I am one of those but that's not a really big deal.
students can even get into sec schs thru DSA,
Exactly cuz their results suk but they're better at other things.
My mom actually banned me from the computer until I get good results after my exams.
And no, I'm not in lan shop now.
I used my famous power of persuation{Eve should be familiar with this}
I threatened to use my mom's fav lipstick if she dun let me use.
ok maybe not.
But I acted guai1 in front of her and finished my Lit essay.
Btw I spent lyke 40mins on it 8) .........................................
Anyhow, I got interested in this anime.
It looks quite interesting in the ads.
About war between magicians and socerors{sp?},
They can summon knights to fight in battle or sth.

That's all folks :)